The CQ Edge

With The CQ Edge communication expert Su Bridgman helps today’s leaders master the art of transformative communication and build organizations that have sophisticated communication intelligence at their fingertips.

With Su as personal mentor throughout the book, readers will learn how to: 

  • Become an influential communicator
  • Master Communication Intelligence
  • Leverage expression, authenticity, and charisma
  • Achieve a harmonious state of ‘flow’
  • Navigate presentations with grace
  • Leave lasting impressions
  • Transcend physiological triggers that disrupt crucial communication

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Su Bridgman · Founder  – SpeakFluence Global

In today’s world, connections are currency, which makes effective communication as good as gold. Su Bridgman and her organization, SpeakFluence Global™, are here to help aspiring professionals and established executives discover their authentic voice, craft a soulful message, and lead with impact using supercharged communication strategies.

Build Up Reserves
of The True 21st Century Currency

A lawyer, communication industry specialist, author, and founder of SpeakFluence™ Global, Su Bridgman works day in and day out to share the tools today’s professionals and people re-entering the workforce need to develop communication program curation as a superpower. Bringing her unique perspective to training sessions, Su’s communication expertise is on full display. Trainees will leave sessions feeling inspired, empowered to take ownership of their Communication Intelligence, redefine their communication approach, and transform the communication strategies of their career from the ground up.

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What is Your
Communication Intelligence?

Su’s free assessment is designed to help you identify the kind of communicator your are today, highlight the gaps in your approach, and show you how to hone your skills to become a communicator capable of speaking with impact and influencing audiences.

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